HENDRIK HOFMEYR - SONATA NO.1 for violin and piano
‘Hofmeyr en Nay blink uit as bruisende verkenners’
‘Hul dig verweefde samespel het elke minuskule klank-, figurasie-, harmoniese en melodiese detail duidelik teen ‘n veel groter uitspansel van tydlose vakmanskap afge”ets. Die duo het veral buitengewoon daarin geslaag om die deurlopende dramatise lyn in die Variazioni canoniche hegter te bind, met die slotmate wat die luisteraar reguit hemel toe vat.’ - Beeld, 24/11/2008
(Translation: ‘Hofmeyr and Nay shines as bristling explorers
Their densely woven ensemble playing etched every miniscule sound-, figurative-, harmonic and melodic detail against a much larger expanse of timeless craftsmanship. The duo had extraordinary success in linking the continuous dramatic line in the Variazioni canoniche and the closing bars took the listeners straight to heaven.’ )